Committee on Charms, Charmers and Charming

The ISFNR Committee on Charms, Charmers and Charming aims to encourage the study of verbal charms (known in other languages as Segen, scongiuri, zagovory, loitsut, etc.), the practice of charming, and the practitioners of charms and their clients.

The Committee consists of Elenora Cianci, James Kapalo, Mare Kõiva, Lea Olsan, Haralampos Passalis, Éva Pócs, Jonathan Roper, Emanuela Timotin, Andrey Toporkov, and Daiva Vaitkevičiene.


International Annotated Charms Bibliography (a work in progress, version as of April 2015)

Recent Charms Scolarship

Incantatio. An International Journal on Charms, Charmers and Charming

Discussion documents:

'Charm indexes: problems and perspectives (Revised Version)' by Andrei Toporkov and Tatiana Agapkina

'Responses to Toporkov and Agapkina's proposals'

Future meetings:

Pescara, Italy (June 2019) (Call to follow)

Past meetings:

Budapest Programme (PDF)
Abstracts (PDF)

Cork 2016 (PDF)
Abstracts (PDF)

Pécs 2015, Programme (PDF)
Abstracts (PDF)

Sponsored session at Leeds IMC 2014

Vilnius 2013 (PDF)
Programme (PDF)
Abstracts (PDF)

Moscow 2011 (conference book now online)
Programme (PDF)
Moscow Photos

Bucharest 2010 (includes abstracts)

Athens 2009 (PDF)
Abstracts (PDF)

Tartu 2008 (includes abstracts)

Pécs 2007

London 2005

London 2003


Charms, Magic, Folklore [in Russian] (co-ordinator A. Toporkov)

The Power of Words in Traditional European Culture (co-ordinator J. Borsje)

Romanian Love Charms Database (co-ordinator S. Golopentia)

Some  of the committee members

Some of the committee members: Éva Pócs, Emanuela Timotin and Laura Jiga in Pécs, 2015.

For more information, see this web site or contact